Uzbekistan, a country with a history entwined with The Great Silk Road, is famous not only for its ancient and world renowned cities like Bukhara, Samarkand and Khiva, but also for its wonderful mountains. Among the spurs of Western Tian-Shan, in the picturesque tracts of Ugam-Chatkal National Park, sit some of the best mountain ski resorts in Central Asia.
The mountain resort of Beldersay is located 80 km to the South-East of Tashkent. It takes approximately 1-1.5 hours by car on the new highway to get there during which you are in stunning highlands with the mysterious and picturesquespurs of the Western Tian Shan covered by archa, juniper and apple forests, bushes of dog-roses and barberry, and rapid rivers and waterfalls.
This place is a real godsend for tourists: a network of entertaining services, mountain woods, rocks, gorges, snowfields, various sanatoria and health resorts, excursion complexes.
Beldersay heads in the peak of the Big Chimgan Mountain. In the middle current of the mountain stream there is the large valley, where you can see a lot of tourist tents in the summer. There is the route through this valley, running from the Urtakumbel Pass (1850m) to Chetkubmel Pass (1880m) and then to Kumbel Pass (2550m). On this route you will see many archa (conifer) forests. From the Beldersay valley you can climb the Urtakumbel Pass, the slope of which leads to the Marble River. This Marble River is the favorite place of tourists. There are local sights as petrified seashells downstream, being evidences that there was an ocean long ago. A little bit lower the Marble river forms the 15-meter high waterfall.
In upper reaches of the Beldersay gorge you can see the entire “picture gallery”: rock paintings of ancient hunters. There are scenes of hunting on ibexes, and also paintings of domesticated animals, cats and dogs. Advantages of mountain area are estimated first of all by specific peculiarities of the climate, beauty and diversity of nature, presence of healing mineral sources, monuments of nature and history.
Visiting Beldersay, you will appreciate the contrast of climate conditions and vegetation, wonderful landscapes of mountain valleys, slopes, snowy peaks, narrow mountain routes, loud waterfalls and mountain streams, blue lakes, beautiful mountain villages with its ancient distinctive national traditions. Here survived many interesting relics of ancient history as petroglyphs and barrows, fortresses, tracks of settlements of primitive people, remains of mines and melting furnaces, ancient period pieces, traces of dinosaurs and etc. Also tourists are keen on ethnographic specific of mountain people, peculiarity of some kishlaks and auls (local villages).
Here you will have a “sea tan" at the height of winter and a lot of unforgettable impressions and memories about indescribable delight of first-class skiing and snowboarding on alpine tracks and virgin slopes, and the wish to come back here again and again.
In Beldersay there are two coffee-bars open for visitors, and the one that is located next to the rope tow that allows you the opportunity to purchase fast food and drink hot home-made wine during the skiing.
The distance to the nearest skiing center "Chimgan" is 4 km, and there you can go to a Disco club or go on a horse riding trip.
Some information about Beldersay:
The highest peak (Mountain Kumbel): 2300 mThe entire length of the route: 3020 m
Vertical from base: 765 m
Average inclination of the route: 27 degrees
Maximum inclination: 52,1 degreed
Length of the chair-lift: 2500 m
Vertical from base: 585 m
Duration of the elevation by chair-lift: 24 min
Length of the rope tow: 700 m
Vertical from base: 200 m
Duration of elevation: 5 min