January 1 – New Year (Yangi Yil Bayrami)
March 8 – International Women's Day (Xalqaro Xotin-Qizlar Kuni)
March 21 – Navroz (Persian New Year) (Navro'z Bayrami)
May 9 – Remembrance Day, Peace Day or Liberation Day (Xotira va Qadirlash Kuni), remembering that Uzbek troops participated in the Soviet army and that 500.000 Uzbek soldiers were killed in World War II.
September 1 – Independence Day (Mustaqillik Kuni), remembering the proclamation of independence from the Soviet Union in 1991
October 1 – Teachers' Day (O'qituvchi va Murabbiylar Kuni)
December 8 – Constitution Day (Konstitutsiya Kuni), remembering the proclamation of the first constitution of independent Uzbekistan in 1992.
Holidays in accordance with the lunar year: the dates of these holidays vary according to the lunar calendar.
New Year
New Year in Uzbekistan meets twice a year. The first times on the Europe style - January 1, and the second on March 21. Both these days are holidays.
New Year January 1 - it's more a secular holiday, which became celebrated in Soviet times with the presence of all the inherent attributes of the holiday. Like everywhere in Uzbekistan has its own Santa Claus - his name is Korbobo and its Maiden - her name Korkiz. ("kor" - "snow", "bobo" - "grandfather", "Kiz" - "girl") instead of reindeer - Donkey. Truly said, rarely seen on the streets Korbobo on a donkey.
New Year in Uzbekistan is rarely snow. At the shop windows are decorated with Christmas trees, everywhere is atmosphere of Happy New Year. In the main square of Tashkent, which is called Independence square there are festivities: jokes, dances of different nations, sold masks, Christmas trees and gifts.
In Uzbekistan, usually there are a lot of fruit on New Year's table. In addition to traditional national dishes have to be watermelon. The sang and sweeter it is, the better off the New Year.
If you have a wish - to have time to eat 12 grapes, until the clock strikes, and it must be executed! And if before that break all the old, cracked ceramic plates, it certainly is nothing wrong from the old year will not be repeated in the New!
January 14
In 1992 the Parliament of Uzbekistan adopted a decision to move all the units and formations, military academies and other military units stationed in the territory under the jurisdiction of the Republic of Uzbekistan. Thus began the creation of their own country's Armed Forces.
Defenders Day celebrated in independent Uzbekistan in honor of creating their own armed forces. The holiday itself is set on Jan. 14 by the Supreme Council of the Republic, adopted on 29 December 1993.
According to tradition, this date is celebrated widely in Uzbekistan - in the capital's Independence Square anthem of the Republic of Uzbekistan, to the sounds of a military band march past on the area are military units. And, of course, the Supreme Commander of the Armed Forces says festive greetings addressed to the defenders of the motherland. In Uzbekistan, commemorating countryman - one of the greatest conquerors, commander of Timur Tamerlane.
March 8
Balloons, dance shows and a European menu - so celebrate March 8 in Uzbekistan. Just like in Russia. And this day the same is weekend. And there is music in the cafes and restaurants of sounds, including Russian ones.
People gather to celebrate couples, families and companies. There are full of flowers in the bazaars swing in the morning.
March 21 Navruz
At all times, among the most joyous events in people's lives was the arrival of spring. Different people celebrated its differently. But all - as a holiday revival of nature, celebration of life, hopes for a generous good year.
Navruz means "new day"(farsi). Navruz, which is celebrated on March 21, is considered the beginning of the year. As you know, March 21 – is a day of the vernal equinox. Length of day and night is the same - 12 hours. March 21 The Earth is entering a period of astronomical world of equality. And yet, in this day seasons in the hemispheres are changing: in the southern hemisphere autumn comes, in the north- Spring. Many of the great people of the past linked the beginning of the celebration of Nowruz named Shah Jamshid. Here's what he wrote about it Omar Khayyam in his book "Nowruz name": With regard to the reasons for the establishment of Nowruz, it lies in the fact that, as we know, the Sun has two turns, one of which is that every 365 days and a quarter hours, it returned in the first minutes of the constellation Aries at the same time of day when it came out, and every year during this period is reduced.
When Jamshid grasped this day, he called his Navruz and introduced the custom of a holiday. Kings and other people followed him.
Yes, it's spring festival. Occur on warm days, nature wakes up and starts to change his attire. We have for this festival people are very carefully prepared and celebrated 15-20 days. In the days before Navruzov everywhere in the communities (as we called blocks) are hashar –everyone in the world clean the canals , blanch the trees, dig gardens.
Each Mahalla has a teahouse. And each Mahalla in its tea house celebrating Navruz. There are delicious dishes in the teahouse’s in the huge cauldrons. Celebration is open to citizens of Mahalla as well as residents of neighboring Mahalla. In addition, Navruz is celebrated in the family. This is - a great holiday! The house is going to all the relatives. There are only a few dishes that are prepared only on the feast of Navruz. This sumalak, Halim (Khalis) and special -tugrama pilaf.
How prepared sumalak? Germinated wheat. Pass them through a meat grinder, put in large kettle, pour water, add flour and cook hours 10-12, and all the while stirred. Interestingly, in large kettle put smooth stones, and walnuts in the shell - that again is not burnt. And to whom will fall a nut or stone, it is believed that the addition of luck. It is very sweet dish , although there does not sugar added.
Navruz generally - it is something more than just a holiday. How many centuries Navruz, so much belief that the bright and happy, he will be, the richer will be the nature of the people. Therefore, pouring on this day ritual songs of Navruz, people dancing and having fun, enjoy the coming of spring, give each other gifts, help the orphans and the destitute. So you, dear guests, will be where to go and see and take part in cooking sumalyak. Waiting for you!!!
9 May Victory Day
2 March 1999 in Uzbekistan has a new holiday, more precisely, the new name of the holiday "Day of Victory." From now on, he called the "Memorial Day".
Memory - fell. Honors - alive. Feat of 450,000 people in Uzbekistan is immortalized in the book of memories of not returning from the war heroes, consisting of 34 volumes. Published in Uzbekistan, it has become clear demonstration of respect for the values such as love for the motherland and patriotism, a sense of duty and responsibility to its people.
In the difficult years of the Uzbek people have taken thousands of families were evacuated to the rear of the inhabitants of the fraternal republics, who left with a captured enemy territory. Many families took to their children orphaned during wartime. One of the most vivid examples: the family of a blacksmith Shamakhmudov - a family who adopted during the War 15 orphaned children. Their heroism is immortalized in a stately monument of granite and bronze in the center of Tashkent.
On this day, thousands of residents and visitors to the capital of Uzbekistan laying flowers at the Monument of Grieving Mother to pay tribute to those who died during World War II. Youth and the elderly, children and adults in this day try to visit with flowers memorial place. On a monument near the obelisk at the eternal flame in gold letters highlighted the inscription: "You'll always be in our hearts ..."
Day of Remembrance forVictims ofRepression
Since 2001, the year on August 31 in Uzbekistan celebrates the Day of memory of victims of repression, established at the initiative of President Islam Karimov.
In 2001 at the initiative of President Islam Karimov has been created one of the first museums in the CIS memory of victims of repression in the memorial complex "Shohidlar hotirasi" ("In memory of victims of repression"). The main task it is to perpetuate the memory of repression victims, conducting spiritual and educational activities aimed at perpetuating and remembrance of victims of repression and propaganda of patriotism, manifested in acts of our ancestors.
Memory of the dead is sacred. Honoring the memory of victims of repression, dreaming about the current bright days, sacrificed their lives in the name of noble goals, elevates our thoughts, cleanse the spirit. Necessary to educate its citizens, especially the younger generation to respect the memory of our valiant ancestors who fought for the triumph of justice and independence
In order to build a democratic state on the path of political and economic reforms, to stand in one line with the leading world powers, must be as fully as possible to know its history. To examine and analyze how its bright and dark pages. And learn from lessons of the past drawn the necessary conclusions.
Certainly one of the most terrible trials that have befallen the people of Uzbekistan, became the years of repression, which are deep jagged scar cutting, torn to pieces and divided into black marks a whole layer of domestic history, leaving her creepy bloody wounds and result of the ongoing pain.
This is the conquest of Turkestan, the Russian Empire in the 19 century and the suppression of a popular uprising. The defeat of Turkestan autonomy and repression of 20-ies of the 20 century. Campaign "dispossession and repression of 30-ies, and then new, more powerful wave of repressive 40's and 50's. The war against its own people in the 80 years, held under the banner of so-called "cotton case. "
Independence Day of Uzbekistan
August 31, 1991 in Tashkent the extraordinary July session of the Supreme Council of the Republic, where was declared the state independence of Uzbekistan. Adopted a Statement of the Supreme Council of State Independence of the Republic and the relevant resolution on September 1 Independence Day.
Subsequently was adopted the Law on Foundations of State Independence of the Republic of Uzbekistan. Formally, the Republic gained independence with the collapse of the Soviet Union on Dec. 26, 1991.
November, 18. At 8 at the Supreme Council, the state flag of the Republic of Uzbekistan. December 15 was published Constitution of the Republic of Uzbekistan, which was adopted on 8 December 1992 at the 11th session of the Supreme Council of the Republic of Uzbekistan.
President of the Republic of Uzbekistan, said: "We decided to be independent. In front of a lot of difficulties, trials, a ruthless struggle. But there is no turning back. We will never deviate from our chosen path. We must win. And for this we must unite everyone - young and old - the free citizens of the Republic of Uzbekistan. "
The celebrations of the Independence Day held in the National Park of Uzbekistan named after Alisher Navoi. They participate and President of the Republic of Uzbekistan Islam Karimov.
Teacher's day
Each of us has his own teacher and your mentor. These are people without whom we would not take place as a person would not get the vital skills, knowledge and skills. Express gratitude to these outstanding people can be in their professional holiday - Day of teachers and mentors, celebrated on October 1.
This holiday is celebrated in Uzbekistan since 1997, in accordance with the Decree of President Islam Karimov on 27 December 1996
In his congratulatory message, addressed to teachers and mentors, the head of Uzbekistan is very appreciated their work. He said:
Dear teachers and mentors! It gives me great pleasure to sincerely from the heart to congratulate you, generous, selfless and good people dedicated their lives to such a complex and noble work, as the education of the younger generation, with a wonderful holiday - teachers and mentors.
In our country has become a tradition widely and solemnly celebrate this bright day - 1 October - as a national holiday. This is a clear indication of the high respect and recognition of our people of decent work of teachers and mentors who did not spare his knowledge and experience, talent and skill, warmth, strength and energy, displaying the best human qualities, with all my heart whole-heartedly serve the cause of education and enlightenment.
Thinking about the teachers, of course, each of us, no matter where he works, what position is, remembers as the best time of life their school years, carefree childhood that left an indelible mark in the memory, undergoes a sincere feeling of respect for teachers, which gave not only knowledge but also the lessons of humanity. "
Constitution Day of the Republic of Uzbekistan
December 8, 1992 at the 11 th session of the Supreme Council of the Republic of Uzbekistan was adopted unanimously by the fundamental law of the country - the Constitution of Uzbekistan.
On the same day, President Islam Karimov signed the law on adoption of the Constitution of the Republic of Uzbekistan "," On Declaring the adoption of the Constitution of the Republic of Uzbekistan, a national holiday, "" On the order of entry into force of the Constitution. "
The Constitution of Uzbekistan was held expertise of specialists of the United Nations, the Council for Security and Cooperation in Europe, scientists, lawyers, USA, UK, France and many other countries, it has strengthened the pillars of democracy:
- Uzbekistan - the sovereign democratic republic (Article 1);
- The state expresses the will of the people and serve its interests. Government agencies and officials accountable to the society and citizens (Article 2);
- People are the only source of state power (Article 7);
- The people of Uzbekistan are citizens of the Republic of Uzbekistan, regardless of their nationality (Article 8);
- The most important questions of public and state life shall be submitted for discussion by the people and put to a vote (referendum) (Article 9).